
That thing I don't have. I'm not really sure where to get it from. All I can seem to accomplish today is watching youtube videos.

I have been keeping up with updating my Wattpad story, which is good. That does have me wanting to write more new stuff. But the problem has never been finding the desire to write, it's gathering together the energy and concentration to write. Or maybe it's better described as overcoming inertia? I don't know, it's just difficult.

Anyway, apparently it's Friday. So I think I'm going to see if I can go all out this weekend. Challenge myself to a story in two day contest. 10k/day for Saturday and Sunday.

I need a way to hold myself to it. To make it feel like a real thing that matters instead of something I can shrug off.

Then on Monday I'll work on various life tasks that need to get done but can't be done during the weekend.


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