Lately I’ve been struggling with a pretty extreme need for validation. It’s like this hungry, clawing monster inside of me demanding to have love and appreciation or it’ll tear my insides out. You know, normal stuff like that. I’m not really sure if I should be trying to find a way to feed the monster, or to exorcise it. In order to feed it, I would need to find people to read my in-progress books. That’s half the reason I posted an old story I had on my hard drive to Wattpad. The flaw in that plan is that the old story isn’t very good so no one is reading it. Validation fail! I could try joining a writing group or posting somewhere, but I don’t want a critique. I don’t want my work torn apart, I just want someone to tell me they’ve enjoyed reading it. I’m not sure what exorcising the monster would look like. I don’t think screaming, “Begone, needy demon!” would work. Maybe I need to write a short story I can put up somewhere so I can be all, ...