
Showing posts from July, 2019


Lately I’ve been struggling with a pretty extreme need for validation. It’s like this hungry, clawing monster inside of me demanding to have love and appreciation or it’ll tear my insides out. You know, normal stuff like that. I’m not really sure if I should be trying to find a way to feed the monster, or to exorcise it. In order to feed it, I would need to find people to read my in-progress books. That’s half the reason I posted an old story I had on my hard drive to Wattpad. The flaw in that plan is that the old story isn’t very good so no one is reading it. Validation fail! I could try joining a writing group or posting somewhere, but I don’t want a critique. I don’t want my work torn apart, I just want someone to tell me they’ve enjoyed reading it. I’m not sure what exorcising the monster would look like. I don’t think screaming, “Begone, needy demon!” would work. Maybe I need to write a short story I can put up somewhere so I can be all, ...


Made a twitter account! Guess I should post it somewhere. My ability to write brilliant, detailed blog posts knows no bounds. I swear I'll write coherently about something eventually.

Three Day Writing Marathon

I've challenged myself to a three day writing marathon starting today and ending when I go to sleep on Sunday. My goal is to finally finish my thriller. In a new twist, I am taking a video of myself working on the marathon. Might post it to reddit later for funsies.


That thing I don't have. I'm not really sure where to get it from. All I can seem to accomplish today is watching youtube videos. I have been keeping up with updating my Wattpad story, which is good. That does have me wanting to write more new stuff. But the problem has never been finding the desire to write, it's gathering together the energy and concentration to write. Or maybe it's better described as overcoming inertia? I don't know, it's just difficult. Anyway, apparently it's Friday. So I think I'm going to see if I can go all out this weekend. Challenge myself to a story in two day contest. 10k/day for Saturday and Sunday. I need a way to hold myself to it. To make it feel like a real thing that matters instead of something I can shrug off. Then on Monday I'll work on various life tasks that need to get done but can't be done during the weekend.


Definitely gave up that whole milwordy thing pretty quickly. My bad. I'm finally getting back into writing, albeit via writing for other people in order to get money. It sort of counts. I'm also publishing a thing on Wattpad to motivate me to get it put together into an ebook. Oh, and watching lots of Jessica Jones. Kind of feel like starting back up with keeping a blog again. I'd like to write proper posts and not just rambles like this one. The question is, what do I write about? And how often do I update? I want to update often enough to keep myself motivate to write some stuff. Maybe twice a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays. I still want this to be a writing blog, so I'll see what writing topics I can think up to write about.