Distraction Time

I procrastinated until I only had half an hour left, then knocked out a thousand words. So I'm behind, but I'm getting a better handle on what works and what I can manage.

Here's my thought. I have no problem writing 1k, even when the day is busy, because that only takes half an hour. I can start close to when I go to bed and just make myself get it done. That gives me 5k from writing on week days.

If I meet the other 14k of my weekly quota on the weekends, suddenly this looks a lot more doable. Over two days that's only 7k per day. I'm thinking that would take 3-4 hours, so I'd still have most of my weekend to goof off, even with that writing commitment.

Heck, I can even write extra on Fridays. That gives me three days to spread the excess words out over instead of two. I can manage this.

I'll see how this first weekend goes with this new plan.


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